Cesar's Website


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day Two

On Day 2, we had a big success.We figured out how to make the video chat work. Cesar and I were on our chinquapin account, where we decided to video chat right next to each other. I admit it was lame but the reason we did this was because we wanted to see if our camera was working. Prior to this, we went on our wiziq account to test the online tutoring course since we ran into a setback the previous day. As before, it didn't work. Once we were able to video chat on our chinquapin account, we verified that our video cams we working. We were puzzled and couldn't quite figure out why it didn't work on our wiziq account. So we decided, for some odd reason, to check wiziq without logging off of our video chat in our chinquapin account. We were surprised to find that the video chat worked on wiziq if the video cam was already in use. We finally solved one obstacle. For the remainder of the day, we worked and finished our alumni ad and Susan helped us form a group on Facebook. With the help of Bridget Anderson and Betsy Phillips (two very lovely and helpful women), we named our group Tutoring by Alumni Cultivating Knowledge, Learning and Education. T.A.C.K.L.E.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent progress!

    You may want to check these links. Do you want the wiz IQ to go to your own account? (It goes to mine when I click on it, so I think it just goes to the login for nonusers.) The first link doesn't work at all -- and may not since this is a closed system for the school.
