Cesar's Website


Sunday, January 30, 2011

It’s been…quite a while!

I haven’t posted anything since last semester and everything has gone fine since then. Since then, I have received an acceptance of the invitation, which I sent out during December, to most of my hopeful-panel members. Dana Lipinsky, Rob Christy, Betsy Phillips, Frank Duffy, and Molly Socha are now part of our team, in which we plan to receive assistance from each one in different ways.

Sometime last week, Cesar and I talk to Morris Nwogwuwu and Kathy Heinzerling about Breakthrough since they worked for that program. After our discussion with them, we received a 7th grader’s application and were told the requirements that they needed. This helps us out because now we are able to base our application and requirements needed on theirs. It won’t be exactly the same but similar because our two programs are very similar.

We have been thinking about our program and thought about if it will work. We thought of several things to ensure that it’ll work and figured the best thing to do is test it out. In order to do this, we would need time to set up a time and place so that applicants can come to “test” our program. We were thinking about making Chinuapin become our place to have our program. That means we would have to coordinate all of that with Ray.  

We originally planned to meet Frank Duffy last Tuesday but that plan got destroyed. We were told that we couldn’t miss any class periods and couldn’t use school days to interview people. We now have to reschedule that meeting with Frank soon. Frank is part of Pennies for Peace that is an organization that was formed with the help of people from Three Cups of Tea.

Cesar and I wrote a proposal, planning to go to an elementary to observe, interview and analyze the students there. Susan wants our proposal to be a lot more specific so that is what has been on our plate.

1 comment:

  1. If you do have this program on campus who will be providing the transportation? It is quite a ride from Houston all the way out here or are you and Cesar going to keep this a local program in Highlands. I think if your program remains local, then it has a greater chance of success and it becomes less complicated.

    Is there a tentative date for the implementation of this program on campus?
